5 Easy Workout Hair Hacks

5 Easy Workout Hair Hacks

When you work out, it’s not just about feeling your best...

…it’s about looking your best, too.

That early-morning run, those laps in the swimming pool, or that daily hour at the gym…it’s so you can enjoy all the benefits you get from having a well-toned, in-shape physique.

But after the cool-down, that nagging question still remains:


When you’re as busy as so many of us are nowadays, just making the time to work out can be a project in itself.

Then, between skipping your lunch break to hit the treadmill…or racing right out of the gym to meet the kids after school…

…can you imagine trying to squeeze in a full wash and blow-dry after every single workout?

Fortunately, I’m here today with five fast workout hair hacks for you to try.

These quick-and-easy shortcuts will help you stay looking and feeling your freshest…even when you can’t hit the showers!


One great way to prime your hair to work up a sweat is by applying dry shampoo before you start to exercise.

The ideal blend will prepare both your cuticles and scalp to absorb and deflect excess perspiration. (1)

Just remember:

Most dry shampoos can leave a chalky residue on sweaty hair. So you want to be sure to use a dry shampoo that goes on clear, like my Déjà Vu Dry Shampoo.


If your dry shampoo doesn’t wick away all the sweat your workout builds up on your roots, you can always give your hair a quick blow dry…even if you haven’t washed it.

Simply flip your hair and use your blow dryer on your roots and scalp, like you normally would. (2)

Of course, just like when you’re blow-drying after a wash, you don’t want to overdo the heat. A salon-grade device like my Triomphe Hair Dryer has built-in adjustable heat settings. That way, how much (or how little) heat you deliver to your hair is entirely up to you.

Don’t overlook the heat protectant, either.

A product like my Rival Heat Shield can provide both freshly washed or just-worked-out locks with powerful, botanical-infused protection.


Whether your hair’s got natural or styled curls, any intense exercise can present a major challenge for keeping those curls bouncy and full of life.

“Curls like this need special attention before, during, and after your workout”

Of course, you can give your curls a boost of preservative protection by applying a leave-in conditioner, like my Réplenish Conditioning Spray, before you work out.

When you do, the conditioner will not only revitalize your workout-warmed scalp…it will also act as a detangler, maintaining the body of your curls while keeping them from twisting in knots. (3)


Then again, you might choose to protect your hair by using a band to pull it back from your forehead.

If you do, remember to avoid a tight, thin cloth or plastic headband.

Tight headbands can leave an indentation across your hair…one that’s not going to go away without a shower.

Instead, opt for a thicker, softer, less constrictive headband.

“The right headband can protect your hair from sweat without leaving any telltale marks”

And, of course, make sure that band holds as much of your hair away from your face and neck as possible. The more hair that makes contact with those areas during your workout…the more hair you’ll have to take special care of afterwards. (4)


There are some schools of thought that say sweat can actually be good for your hair.

In fact, no less a celebrity style-setter than Jennifer Aniston told Fashionista: “A little sweat in the hair is nice. It’s like a little product…It’s actually just fun.” (5)

The truth is, your hair can manage some post-workout sweat without immediate damage.

But skip that extra moment of post-fitness care too often, and sweat buildup can seriously dehydrate your locks.

And, of course, there’s that other potential sweat-related hair issue to consider…odor buildup.

That’s why, if you don’t have time for a shower after you work out, you want to make sure to moisturize your hair.

A simple misting with a formula like my fresh-scented Managé Marula Oil Hydrating Mist will re-condition and hydrate your hair. It may even re-activate styling products you used before your workout. (6)

These are just a few simple-and-speedy workout hair hacks you can try for yourself.

Once you do, I’m confident you’ll find you can still look fresh and fine after the gym…even if your life’s still keeping you running!

Now…I want to hear from you!

What are some of your favorite convenient, no-hassle post-workout styling and hair care solutions?

Drop me a line here to pass along your favorite fitness-friendly hair tips.

I’ll share what you have to offer in an upcoming edition of HAIR TALK.




  1. Bennett, Alexis. “9 Ways To Get Away With Not Washing Your Hair After The Gym.” SELF, SELF, 12 Jan. 2017, www.self.com/gallery/how-to-skip-washing-your-hair-after-the-gym.
  1. Ikonn, Mimi. “How To Get Amazing Post-Workout Hair: 5 Tips.” Luxy Hair, Luxy Hair, 24 July 2015, www.luxyhair.com/blogs/hair-blog/5-tips-on-how-to-get-amazing-post-workout-hair.
  1. “Is weat Killing Your Hair?” Shape Magazine, Shape Magazine, 22 Dec. 2015, www.shape.com/lifestyle/beauty-style/protect-your-hair-sweat-damage.
  1. Ikonn, Mimi. “How To Get Amazing Post-Workout Hair: 5 Tips.” Luxy Hair, Luxy Hair, 24 July 2015, www.luxyhair.com/blogs/hair-blog/5-tips-on-how-to-get-amazing-post-workout-hair.
  1. Wischhover, Cheryl. “Jennifer Aniston Embraces Sweaty Post-Gym Hair, Will Never Get a Pixie.” Fashionista, 18 Mar. 2015, www.fashionista.com/2015/03/jennifer-aniston-hair.
  2. Mateo, Ashley. “8 Hair Mistakes You're Making At The Gym.” Bustle, Bustle, 20 Mar. 2018, www.bustle.com/articles/34415-8-hair-mistakes-youre-making-at-the-gym-plus-what-you- should-be-doing-instead.
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