Women Inspiring Women: Meet Tamieka

Women Inspiring Women: Meet Tamieka

“I am bold. I am confident. I am powerful. I am Tamieka.”



After realizing that corporate America was not for her, Tamieka tapped into her creative side and decided to become a makeup artist. Based in Los Angeles, she spends her days designing editorial looks for photoshoots. She’s inspired by her mother and older sisters, who paved the way for her love of beauty. When it comes to her own style, she loves having the freedom to experiment and play. Tamika encourages us to have fun when it comes to hair and makeup and not take things too seriously.


How would you describe your current relationship with your hair?

I would say it’s in transition. The reason why…I’m trying to go a little more natural (with my haircare routine). You know, with any change, it's a blessing and a curse—you’ve gotta take the good with the bad.


Growing up, how did you feel about your hair? How has this evolved?

I loved hair growing up. I felt that it was a way to bond with my family. I’m just a simple, kind of easy breezy (person)...give me a ponytail and gel and I'm good to go. 


How did your family/the media shape your views about hair?

It was mainly my family. I am the baby. I have two older sisters and I looked up to them. My older sister was the one that did my hair and had all these different ideas, so it allowed me to be creative and embrace everything about my hair. It was also our time to bond. 


What was your a-ha moment when it came to understanding and identifying society’s unrealistic beauty standards?

My ah-ha moment was essentially when I worked in banking and of course that was a very, very professional environment. The expectations were to have it a little more straight-laced and that was the professional standard versus my natural wild and kinky hair. 


What makes you feel confident?

I believe just the older that I've gotten, the more and more that I have embraced everything about myself, what I love to do and who I am. I just kind of hone in on that and embrace it the older that i get. 


What do you love most about your hair?

It's so very versatile. I can throw it up in a bun, wet it and it’s this amazing curly fro, and I straighten it and wear it that way. It just depends on the mood and what I want to do with it. 


Which is your favorite L’ange product? What do you love most about it?

Rival Heat Shield because it protects my hair. I like to have a little diversity in my styles and I spray it on and know I can do anything with it. It just lets me have fun. 


How do you express your individuality through your hair?

I love to keep it simple. It depends on the day, depends on the mood, and not letting my hair define me. It's more about embracing everything as a package. 


What is the nicest compliment you’ve received about your hair?

When I’ve been having a bad day, you're not thinking that you’re at your best and then someone brightens it by giving you that one off compliment that your hair is gorgeous or beautiful—it gives you that pick-me-up!


What is a negative remark about your hair that’s stuck with you to this day?

When I was younger, someone saying it was too coarse, or nappy, or too short. These are things that as a woman (because we tend to identify ourselves through our hair), it sticks with you for the long haul.  


What would you like to share with the next generation that you wish you had known growing up?

It's okay to embrace your hair. It's okay to try new things with it and be your authentic self, but also don't let it define you. We as women identify with our hair so so much. It's okay to have fun. Everyone’s gonna have a bad haircut. You’re gonna accidentally cut too much of your hair and think it’s the end of the world…and it’s not. It grows back. You’ll figure it out. And just be okay with that.


Watch the video here


To learn more about Tamieka’s go-to product, check out Rival Heat Shield here.  

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