The Soothing (and Safe) DIY Children’s Shampoo

The Soothing (and Safe) DIY Children’s Shampoo

“I love you.”

They’re the three sweetest words in the English language.

And that’s why you never let a day go by without saying it to your kids.  

Those three words are a reminder you’re always there to make their lives wondrous…

...and to do your best to keep them safe from everything that’s NOT so good for them.

With that in mind, let’s talk about three OTHER little words you say to your kids…

...words that, when they hear them, can cause screaming, hiding, and tears:


“Unlike grown-ups, most kids do NOT enjoy a bath at the end of a long day!”

Of course, your little ones may be part of that rare group that actually enjoy taking a bath.

But if they’re like so many children out there, the news that it’s bath time usually hits them like someone’s just run off with their favorite toy.

In fact, child therapists have uncovered lots of reasons kids can react badly to bath time.

Some kids have a hard time with quick activity changes...making it hard to suddenly go from playing or exploring, to sitting still in the tub.

They may be afraid of slipping and falling...or of getting sucked down the drain.

And in quite a lot of instances...they’re scared to get soap in their eyes.1

Honestly, who can blame them for that?

If you’ve ever experienced the burning irritation of shampoo in your own eyes, you know there’s nothing more unpleasant.

And for a child’s eyes, which continue to develop and strengthen as they grow, it can be genuinely painful!2


Naturally, the need to protect children’s eyes has led to a range of widely available “tear-free” children’s and baby shampoos.

And it is true: These brands are missing a number of abrasive irritants that can sting and harm your kids’ eyes.

Unfortunately, while they do offer your little ones that extra vision protection…

...many still include a lot of the same harsh ingredients of mass-market shampoos.

It’s sad but true:

Children’s shampoo may take away those tears...but you won’t like what it’s still bringing along with it!



So, if you’re looking to give your kids a soothing, worry-free bath time hair experience...without  any unnecessary extra shampoo ingredients…

...we invite you to try this basic, thoroughly safe, softly fragrant homemade children’s shampoo!

This formula includes castile olive-oil-derived, non-toxic, and biodegradable cleanser.

It removes the excess sebum (scalp oil) from your kid’s hair...but it doesn’t completely strip the essential moisture from their strands, like commercial shampoos can when overused.

And, it gives this shampoo those foamy suds kids love to play with!5

In this DIY shampoo, you’ll also find vegetable glycerin.

Available at most popular drugstores, this natural moisturizer helps your child’s scalp absorb vital keep their hair growing strong, long, and shiny!6

Plus, there’s a touch of lavender essential oil.

“Lavender smells every bit at soft and lovely as it looks!”

This will soothe your child’s naturally sensitive skin...while leaving their hair with a clean, fresh scent they, and you, will love!


The ingredients you need to make this homemade kids’ shampoo are:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of liquid castile soap
  • 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin
  • 10-15 drops of lavender essential oil

And the good news is, making this shampoo for your children is so’s like child’s play itself!

  1. Pour the water into an empty glass or safe plastic bottle.
  2. One at a time, add the liquid castile soap, vegetable glycerin, and lavender oil.
  3. Then, shake the bottle until all the ingredients are well mixed.

And believe it or not...that’s all it takes!

Just be sure to shake up the bottle every time, before you add a small amount to your child’s hair before washing.

That will keep the ingredients blended...and working together to give your kids sleek, luminous, and richly nourished hair!7


When you think of a bath, it means warmth, relaxation, and rejuvenation.

But when you’re a kid, bath time can be a frustrating, sometimes even traumatic occasion.

So we hope this gentle, easy-cleaning homemade children’s shampoo will let your little ones know the bathtub is indeed a safe place…

...and help them learn when you tell them, “It’s bath time”...

...that’s just one more way you say “I love you!” 

“This shampoo just might have your kids actually looking forward to bath time!”



  1. “10 Strange Reasons Why Kids Hate Bath Time. How to Fix It.” AT: Parenting Survival for All Ages, 17 June 2018,
  1. “Stages of Development.” Look After Your Eyes,
  1. “Why Are Parabens Bad for Hair?” 5 Best Smoothies For Natural Hair Growth | PHS HAIRSCIENCE,
  1. Mirisaj. “Making Homemade Children's Shampoo.”, 10 Jan. 2018,
  1. Penny, Curly. “NaturallyCurly.”, 17 Dec. 2015,
  1. Jackson, Kristin Collins. “Why Vegetable Glycerin Is Your Hair's New BFF.” Bustle, Bustle, 25 Apr. 2018,
  1. “Natural Shampoo for Kids | DōTERRA Essential Oils.” DoTERRA Fact Sheet | DōTERRA Essential Oils, 16 May 2018,


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