The Wonders Of Borage Oil... And Why Your Hair Will Absolutely Love It

The Wonders Of Borage Oil... And Why Your Hair Will Absolutely Love It

If you’ve dropped by our website in the last few weeks, you know how busy we’ve been here at L’ange…

...working day and night to bring you the most revolutionary new hair care and styling products...and help you achieve towering heights of hair health, styleability, and confidence!

But to tell you the truth...the latest innovations from our hair science and beauty team have surpassed even our wildest fantasies!

That’s why, in the last month alone, we’ve been able to bring you over a half-dozen dazzling new styling formulas...including:

Dreamy Purifying Shampoo floating in the water

“DREAMY’s not just the name of our newest shampoo… it’s also how it leaves your hair looking and feeling!”)

  • Dreamy Purifying Shampoo - Infused with a potent array of botanicals, to wipe out product residue and reinvigorate your hair’s luster and manageability
  • ...and bold new shampoo and conditioner products from our men’s line...your guy’s going to just flip over them!

And, of course, there’s a pair of breakthrough blends harnessing one of the most thrilling gifts Mother Nature’s ever given your hair:


When our lab experts first tested this all-natural oil, they were simply blown away by the results.

And they set to work developing not one...but two high-performance formulas that showcase the hair-enriching magic of borage oil.

Our La Mane Silk Shampoo pairs the oil with silk protein, for a cleansing solution perfect for restoring moisture and shine to coarse, dry, or damaged locks.

Borage oil is also the cornerstone of our trailblazing Borago Deep Conditioning Mask… treating your hair inside and out, for tresses that are thick, soft, and full of elastic styling ease!

Now, we know you only trust your hair to the freshest, healthiest, most effective ingredients.

And once you try these products for yourself, we’re sure you’ll agree borage oil is nothing less than the very best.

But of course, this doesn’t answer the two most important questions:


Borage oil is harvested from the seeds of the borage herb, also known as the starflower.

It’s a beautiful bright blue plant originally found in the Middle East, though it now grows wild all over the world.

And for hundreds of years, various cultures have treasured the borage herb for its vast range of healing and energizing properties.

In the Middle Ages, borage leaves were commonly used to brew a medicinal tea.

And ancient soldiers would eat borage blossoms before going into battle, to enhance their courage!1

little bottle next to little borage blossoms leaves

“Borage is one of the loveliest herbs around...and what it can do for your hair is just as beautiful!”

But when it comes to putting shine, vitality, and bounce back in your hair, the starflower’s secret lies in the seeds.


Borage seeds naturally contain an oil that’s rich with exceptional nutrients…

...and it’s especially high in a quartet of components essential for strong, sleek, styleable hair.

First, borage oil is packed with ceramide...a lipid molecule known for its adhesive properties.

That means, when ceramide comes in contact with your hair, it binds to the outside, forming a clear, protective outer layer.

This locks in your hair’s moisture and natural proteins, fighting off dehydration and cracked, damaged strands.

Your body does make its own ceramide, but the wear-and-tear passage of time diminishes your natural ceramide resources.

That’s why it’s crucial to replenish your hair’s ceramide...and borage oil is primed and ready to deliver!2


This extraordinary oil also contains a lavish host of amino acids…

...the basic building block of the proteins that give your hair its shape, structure, and strength.

Borage oil is also loaded with one particularly vital protein: keratin.

And this protein is not just important for strong, well-nourished hair…

...without it, you’d barely have hair at all!

Red head woman with curyly hair smiling

“The hair-structuring force of keratin is what makes magnificent hairstyles like this possible!”

That’s because, according to the most state-of-the-art laboratory findings, keratin makes up nearly 88% of every single hair on your head!3

So, not only does borage oil bring you the amino acids you need to build hair-fortifying proteins… also ensures you’ll be well-supplied with your hair’s single most abundant component!


Last, but absolutely not least, borage oil is the strongest natural source of a fatty acid known as gamma-linoleic acid, or GLA.

This fatty acid is a masterful anti-inflammatory agent, battling scalp irritations and circulation issues that disrupt your follicles, keeping them from growing thick, voluminous hair.

That’s why many doctors recommend GLA treatments for women suffering symptoms of female pattern baldness.4

But here’s the thing:

Your body naturally produces its own GLA...but to do so, it needs to start with pure linoleic acid, which your body can’t make on its own.

That’s why, when it comes to pampering your hair with GLA’s growth-stimulating properties, it pays to eliminate the middle-man...treating your hair with already synthesized GLA.

And there’s no better supplier of GLA in all of nature than borage oil!5


We hope this crash course on borage oil has given you an all-embracing understanding of the wonders it can work on your hair…

...and why we’re utterly overjoyed to have this phenomenal ingredient at the foundation of both our La Mane Silk Shampoo and Borago Deep Conditioning Mask.

But, like all the best things life has to offer, you shouldn’t just hear about borage oil.

You need...and experience its undreamed-of hair-transforming power for yourself!



  1. “Borage Herb: How To Grow Borage.” Gardening Know How,
  1. GalTime. “Is Your Hair Making You Look Older Than You Are?” The Huffington Post,, 7 Dec. 2017,
  1. Ketchum, Dan. “Can Amino Acids Promote Healthy Hair Growth?” LIVESTRONG.COM, Leaf Group, 18 July 2017,
  1. “Natural Hair and Skin Care Tips - Dr. Weil.”,, 1 Mar. 2017,
  1. “BORAGE OIL: A Little Known Secret for Maintaining Healthy Skin.” ShiKai Natural Beauty, 7 Aug. 2018,
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