Are These Everyday Things Hurting Your Hair?

Are These Everyday Things Hurting Your Hair?

Take a moment right now, and think of someone in your life who you really love.

It could be one of your kids...your husband...a cherished friend...even a co-worker.

Now...if you had the power to change that person with a snap of your fingers…

...what’s their one habit you’d get rid of immediately?


Granted, you may have thought of something they do that simply frustrates or annoys you.

But our guess is, you really dug deep and chose a habit that not only gives you grief, but really makes their life ways they may not fully understand.

Maybe your kids trade the healthy treats you put in their lunch for sugar-loaded snacks.

Or your husband forgets to use his reading glasses...setting him up for future vision problems.

Whatever it may be, the fact that you’d eliminate this harmful habit shows how much you care… you’d use your power to make their lives safer, healthier...and a lot happier!

Family out on a Picnic

“You’d do anything for the people you love...and that includes freeing them of self-destructive bad habits!”


Well, believe it or not...there may be people that would like to change some of your habits…

...people who see you causing yourself potential harm you’re not even aware of!

One of those people looking out for your best interests is your hairstylist.

Because they know there’s plenty of all-too-common hair care and styling practices that do your hair more harm than good!

That’s why we asked a collection of accomplished styling professionals:

“What’s the one popular styling habit you wish you could eliminate...for good?”

If you regularly practice any of these detrimental styling methods, consider this a warning:

This technique may be hazardous to your hair’s health...and your own satisfaction and joy!


Maintaining a healthy washing schedule is a vital link in the chain of a fabulous hairstyle.

The keyword here, of course, is healthy.

Because, according to Cristina B., a stylist with New York’s Rita Hazan Salon, far too many women make a maintenance decision with harsh consequences for their hair.

“The number one thing I would like my clients to stop doing is washing their hair every day,” says Cristina.

“It dries out your hair, fades your color, and makes your hair unmanageable.”

Woman washing her hair out in the Wilderness

“Shampooing too often is a surefire ticket to dehydrated, hard-to-style hair.”

Rodney Culter, a Australian-born veteran stylist who manages his own chain of New York-based salons, agrees.1

Over-washing,” says Cutler, “is the main culprit of dry, frizzy hair.”

He recommends washing every other day...and using conditioner only one day a week.

Of course, Jim Markham, an award-winning Hollywood-trained stylist, says which shampoo you use is every bit as important as how often you use it.

So, with just a little thoughtful scheduling, and wisdom in selecting your cleansing products… can ensure your washing routine always gives you sleek, luminous hair!


The transition from wet to dry hair is of incalculable importance to locking in your style.

And just one wrong styling choice while your hair’s drying can make all the difference between sublime style…and a mane that’s impossible to tame!

That’s why a few of our salon pros offered tips for managing your wet-to-dry styling window:

  • “It drives me crazy when clients towel-dry their hair by messing it up in every direction, which just roughs up the delicate cuticle...Instead, when you’re towel-drying, wring your hair out, moving downwards from roots to ends.” - Toni Chavez, celebrity stylist whose clients include Shailene Woodley and Milla Jovovich
  • “It’s not a good idea to brush wet hair with any old brush. A wide-tooth comb is a better doesn’t pull or tug on the hair and can be used on any texture or length.” - celebrity stylist Kelly Hunt
  • “Women use heated styling tools when their hair is still wet, which literally fries their hair. In order to use heat without damage, the hair has to be completely dry. If you finish blow drying, and the hair feels cold, that’s a sign there’s still moisture in it - so keep going.” - Bobby Eliot, stylist to Alison Brie, Karen Gillan, and Millie Bobby Brown4

Woman combing her hair with a brush and air blower

“Choosing a blow dryer with adjustable heat ensures your locks get just the heat they more, and no less!”

No doubt about it: Water is one of the most undervalued “hairstyling products.”

And the suggestions of these stylists illustrate how essential it is to properly manage the way water interacts with both your hair and your styling tools.5


The tips and techniques above are ideal when you’re styling at home.

But are there any bad habits you need to avoid when working with a professional stylist?

According to Meredith Morris, head stylist at Beverly Hills’s MAVEN salon, there’s one mistake women make, time and again, that keeps them from the styling results they seek.

And they make it without even laying a finger on their hair!

“When your stylist asks questions about previous hair services,” says Morris, “you must be honest.”

You see, a lot of times, if you try a home styling technique or product that lets you down...or worse, damages your hair… may be tempted to gloss over that part of your styling history, or even tell a little white lie, to save yourself the embarrassment.

But Morris says the stylist isn’t asking about your history to shame you or make you feel bad.

It’s simply “so they can professionally access what process your hair might need in order to achieve the result desired.”

Otherwise, “not being honest with your stylist only potentially puts your hair in harm’s way.”6

woman showing her stylist how she would like to look via a tablet

“Telling your stylist everything about your styling efforts lets them know just what they’re working with, and what will be best for your hair.”

So, coming clean about your home styling history…both your triumphs and your tragedies… just makes it easier for your stylist to deliver a look that’ll send you sashaying out of the salon like you’re hitting the runway!


Sometimes, when you’re correcting your kids or dispensing advice, you may find yourself feeling like a scold.

You shouldn’t.

Because you know it’s all about ensuring their lives are the absolute best they can be!

With that in mind, we hope you take these suggestions from our pro stylists in the same spirit.

After all...we all want the same thing:

For you to live every day with the kind of hair you’ve always dreamed of!



  1. “Rodney Cutler | Redken's Brand Ambassador.” Redken,
  1. “Interview: Jim Markham, from 60's Star Stylist to CEO.” Beauty Launchpad, 20 May 2014,
  1. Metrus, Lindsey. “17 Things Your Hairstylist Wants You to Stop Doing.” Byrdie, Byrdie, 4 Feb. 2016,
  1. “Bobby Eliot (@Bobbyeliot) • Instagram Photos and Videos.” Instagram,
  1. Morrill, Hannah. “The One Thing Hairstylists Wish You'd Stop Doing.” SELF, SELF, 23 Dec. 2017,
  1. Komar, Marlen. “9 Things Your Hair Stylist Wants You To Stop Doing.” Bustle, Bustle, 25 Apr. 2018,


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